BSR Polished Bismuth Shot #8 (7 lb)

BSR Polished Bismuth Shot #8 (7 lb)
Item Number: BSR08
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Detailed Description

Polished Bismuth Shot #8 (7 lbs/bag)

For those shooters looking to reduce their costs of premium non-toxic loads, we proudly offer our Polished Bismuth Shot. In 1992, BPI became the very first reseller of bismuth shot in the world. BPI’s developmental research lab tested every type of bismuth and bismuth alloy. BPI traveled to University College London to test bismuth pellet integrity with the eminent Dr. Roger Giblin. Our team evaluated the production standards that still exist over thirty years later. Unfortunately, much of the bismuth on the market does not meet this tough physical criteria and cannot meet the stringent qualification standards required for high-performance bismuth shot. If the proper standards and formulas are not strictly followed, then the result will be a sub-standard shotshell pellet. The bottom line is that if the tin alloy content is not perfect, then the entire pellet can be prone to fracture.

Overview: Our BSR Polished Bismuth is alloyed with a highly specific tin alloy, then tumbled and highly polished for superior surface quality. Our Polished Bismuth hits that pricing sweet spot, but the visual appearance and performance of our shot is clearly superior to other cost-cutting bismuth pellets.

Pellet Integrity: This term refers to how the pellet holds together under the stresses of internal ballistics, bore constriction/chokes, and target impact. Bismuth is by nature a brittle metal. It will fracture UNLESS it is alloyed with the proper materials in the proper ratio. Our BSR shot is alloyed with a specialized process that insures the highest level of pellet integrity. BSR is qualified for loading by many of the most advanced cartridge manufacturers in the world.

Softness: Bismuth is the softest metal of all available non-toxic shot types. Therefore, Polished Bismuth is the non-toxic shot that is easiest on your fine shotguns and small-bore gauges. Doubles and fixed-choke guns love our bismuth.

Residual Material (dust) from the Polishing Process: BSR is not made like our premium SpheroBismuth. Polished Bismuth is not plated and, as the name would imply, the surface of the shot is highly polished - much more so than other types of non-plated bismuth shot. You can expect to see occasional pitting and lines in BSR pellets. You will also find residual bismuth dust in the bag. These are the remnants of the polishing process and it cannot be removed in the manufacturing process. 
We have not found any sprues, tails, or football shapes in Polished Bismuth. The images online are of the actual shot.

Approximate density: 9.6 grams/cubic centimeter.

Lead Free & Non-toxic: Bismuth shot materials are approved for use by U.S.F.W.S.

Sizes: Sizes for every type of gamebird; from heavy goose loads down to woodcock. (#B, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

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