Dispersor-X 12ga Short Spreader Wad (250/bag)

Dispersor-X 12ga Short Spreader Wad (250/bag)
Item Number: 072DX12S
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Detailed Description

DX12S Dispersor-XS spreader 7/8 to 1oz wad 12ga (250/bag)

This is the all new lighter version of the Dispersor-X. It is ideal for close-range shots of 5-25 yards with lighter loads of 7/8 oz to 1 oz lead shot.  The integrated X-shaped spreader device molded directly into the shotcup provides shooters with even pellet distribution.  Its G-type crush section reduces felt recoil in the 12-gauge while allowing a variety of load height adjustments.  The pegged dome gas seal effectively distributes fast burn rate powders.  Use of an overshot card (we like the #COS12 Clear Overshot Disc) helps create a bit of compression which will produce an even pattern distribution.

Identifying features: The DX12S dimensions are nearly identical to those of the original DX12, with one important difference. Note the 24 pins that protrude down from the gas seal in a two circular designs around one central pin (see image above). These pins occupy space that would otherwise be filled with propellant, thus lifting the wad above the propellant charge. This change results in approximately a 1/4" increase in wad height in the hull.

View sample LOAD DATA from our BP manuals

Curmudgeon's Loading Tip: If you are using a MEC reloader, their Steel Shot Rammer Tube #1308436 fits perfectly around the X-shaped spreader of the Dispersor-X 12ga wad. Very slick loading!

  • Shot cup body = 1.504"
  • Diameter = 0.715"
  • Thickness = 0.035"
  • Shot cup depth = 0.910"
  • Gas seal = 0.275" pin-stacked obturator

Product Type: Spreader wad, preslit with two slits.
Size: 12-gauge
Typical Loads: 7/8 oz lead to 1 oz lead

Maximum Payload:
1 oz lead

Made in Italy

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 Product ReviewsClick here to review this item
Shot loading disability 7/24/2020
Beware! This wad with its X shaped plastic cup will cause you many problems when dropping shot from your machine. The X center is much to thick and becomes a very tight fit when shot tube goes into this wad. This in effect will lift wad out of shell and create one big mess dropping shot all over creation. I sure wish this had been advised by BP at time of purchase, became a waste of money for me not being able to load these.
- gerry, AZ
We've always had this description on our DX12 and DX12S description: "Curmudgeon's Loading Tip: If you are using a MEC reloader, their Steel Shot Rammer Tube #1308436 fits perfectly around the X-shaped spreader of the Dispersor-X 12ga wad. Very slick loading! " Furthermore, our Advantages and High Performance for Clays manuals go in depth on the loading process. This wad, as pictures indicate, is not designed like other common wads. It is not a common wad. It is a specialty design for a specific purpose. Yes, we talk extensively about the idiosyncrasies of loading this specialty wad. Specialty components require a bit of extra work, but offer great performance enhancements.
--BP Lab

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