To determine the BPI part number, simply add "130" to the beginning of the corresponding MEC part number. As an illustration, the Cap Plug, which has an MEC part number of 13X, would have a BPI part number of 13013X.

MEC Hex Wrench #332C
MEC Hex Wrench #332C

Item #: 130332C
In Stock
MEC Cotter Pin #574C
MEC Cotter Pin #574C

Item #: 130574C
In Stock
MEC Pivot Bracket #285B
MEC Pivot Bracket #285B

Item #: 130285B
In Stock
MEC Deprime Punch #71910
MEC Deprime Punch #71910

Item #: 13071910
In Stock
MEC Link Straps #694
MEC Link Straps #694

Item #: 130694
In Stock
MEC Rammer Tube #705B10
MEC Rammer Tube #705B10

Item #: 130705B10
In Stock
MEC Closure Assembly #8106CA
MEC Closure Assembly #8106CA

Item #: 1308106CA
In Stock
MEC Carrier Washer #615F
MEC Carrier Washer #615F

Item #: 130615F
In Stock
MEC Column #8093
MEC Column #8093

Item #: 1308093
In Stock
MEC Wad Guide Road #8561*
MEC Wad Guide Road #8561*

Item #: 1308561

MEC Deprime Punch #8013
MEC Deprime Punch #8013

Item #: 1308013
In Stock
MEC Eccentric Nut #8671
MEC Eccentric Nut #8671

Item #: 1308671
In Stock
MEC Resize/Deprime Assembly #660CA*
MEC Resize/Deprime Assembly #660CA*

Item #: 130660CA

MEC Knock-Out Bushing #759
MEC Knock-Out Bushing #759

Item #: 130759

MEC Cam #623
MEC Cam #623

Item #: 130623
Check for Availability
MEC Closure, Low Brass #8018LB
MEC Closure, Low Brass #8018LB

Item #: 1308018LB
In Stock
MEC Wad Guide Rod #8069
MEC Wad Guide Rod #8069

Item #: 1308069

MEC Base Assembly #8448 (Formerly #713)
MEC Base Assembly #8448 (Formerly #713)

Item #: 130713
In Stock
MEC Flanged Nut #8099
MEC Flanged Nut #8099

Item #: 1308099
In Stock
MEC Roll Pin #691B
MEC Roll Pin #691B

Item #: 130691B
In Stock
MEC Mounting Bracket Assembly #8056
MEC Mounting Bracket Assembly #8056

Item #: 1308056
In Stock
MEC Upper Cam Bracket #8650
MEC Upper Cam Bracket #8650

Item #: 1308650
In Stock
MEC Lower Cam Bracket #8651
MEC Lower Cam Bracket #8651

Item #: 1308651
In Stock
MEC Tube and Pad Assembly #8004
MEC Tube and Pad Assembly #8004

Item #: 1308004

MEC Wad Guide Rod Assembly #8691
MEC Wad Guide Rod Assembly #8691

Item #: 1308691

MEC Link (Left-Handed) #610LH
MEC Link (Left-Handed) #610LH

Item #: 130610LH
In Stock
MEC Column #611
MEC Column #611

Item #: 130611
Check for Availability
MEC Screw #634K
MEC Screw #634K

Item #: 130634K
Check for Availability
MEC Clamp #8151
MEC Clamp #8151

Item #: 1308151
In Stock
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