Original Roll Crimping Tool: .410

Original Roll Crimping Tool: .410
Item Number: ROLL41
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Detailed Description

BPI's Original Roll Crimping Tool

A BP Original. Crimp depths often vary from load to load, even to a point where it is difficult to produce a proper fold crimp. This makes roll crimps ideal for shell lengths of almost any size. A compromised crimp can severely disrupt the entire combustion process, thus diminishing performance or even causing a blooper.

Performance: Shotshell load performance can vary shell to shell because components such as slugs, buckshot, and full-length field wads, by their nature, are not flexible platforms. Roll crimps adjust to the load (instead of the load adjusting to the crimp) and the ballistic results demonstrate more consistent & sustained combustion. Ultimately, a more consistent propellant burn yields more consistent performance.

Note: Beware of cheap knock-off roll crimpers that will produce insufficient crimp quality, erratic loads, and bloopers. We've been machining our specialty roll crimpers for over 35 years. Many specialy ammunition manufacturers rely on BP quality roll crimpers for their high-performance loads. So don't waste your hard-earned money on a cheap copy. Go with BPI's original Roll Crimper and save yourself frustration and wasted loads.

BPI Hull Vise and Roll Crimpers; a perfect match. Click on any of the links below to go to that product page.

Roll crimpers can be used with a hand drill or a drill press.

The Easy Art of Roll Crimping:

  1. Start with any uncrimped paper or plastic hull. New, uncrimped hulls are available in almost every type and length. Once-fired hulls can be cut down 1/4" and then roll crimped. For example, a 3" hull can be cut down to 2-3/4" in length and then roll crimped. Our Trim Doctor tool was designed for this procedure.
  2. Prior to crimping, load the shell as you would any other shotshell load. We recommend using a Wooden Reloading Block during this process to keep loads organized and avoid spillage.
  3. After dropping the shot and before crimping, place either an Overshot Card or Clear Overshot Disk on top of the pellets.
  4. Secure the hull. Though it does not take much force to hold the shell, this procedure is made easy with the use of a Hull Vise.
  5. Place the roll crimper on top of the hull. Our roll crimpers are designed to best work in a clockwise rotation. Start spinning the drill and apply very light pressure. When the edge becomes pliable through a combination of heat and pressure, roll the lip down until it makes contact with the overshot card wad.
    Curing: Your roll crimper will begin to cure as you use it more and more. Roll crimping will become faster and easier as your tool gains experience.
  6. Check progress as you go along.

Cartridge manufacturer's tip: Many cartridge manufacturing companies use our roll crimper and some of these clients have told us that they like to put just a single drop of household oil (e.g., 3-in-1 Oil) on the surface of the roll crimper for every few hundred rounds.

 Product ReviewsClick here to review this item
410 role crimp 11/15/2023
I watched the video on it and he said they run CLOCK wise no THEY RUN COUNTER CLOCK WISE. I destroyed a few shells before I decided to put it in REVERSE , I cant use my drill press but we all have hand powered drills . It gives it a really nice smooth role. I like it
- Jerry Sadler, IL
Factory .410 loads from this! 9/7/2014
Bought this roll crimper because I started reloading .410 for my S&W Governor. Works great, I am able to produce loadings that look and shoot factory or better. This BPI crimper is a good investment if you reload. As a side note it was delivered fed-ex, and although it was on the truck, the driver kept forgetting to deliver and entered a delivery exception into the system. I wish BPI would give you a UPS option.
- Mark, MO
Perfect out of the box 9/27/2013
I just received my 410 roll crimper and headed right to the reloading room. 1st attempt - looked great and definitely shootable. 2nd attempt - almost perfect. 3rd attempt - Im an expert! I am loving this tool.
- Tim Gunderson, ID
tgundy 9/25/2013
Just got my 410 roll crimper in the mail today. Had to rush to the reloading table as I have tried other methods to crimp without success. First attempt, pretty darn good and definitely shootable. Second attempt, nearly perfect. Third attempt, Im an expert! It looks like this crimper is my answer to reload cheap 410 shells.
- Tim, ID
.410 Roll Crimping Tool is expensive :- 5/28/2013
I bought this tool because the loaders out there were way too expensive for the amount of .410 I fire. This tool works so well that now I have a pump action .410 in addition to my H&R single shot. I now fire A LOT more .410 than before. I love this tool! My family loves the pump action .410 and we have plenty of ammo for it!
- Wayne, KY
Found a use for those burnt hulls finally To good yet to throw away 10/20/2012
Tools sold for this purpose work excellent. I much prefer rolling over crimping on a small 410 hull. Ballistic products also sells a technical brochure called: [Roll Crimping Info.] and a manual [Slug Loading Manual, 3rd edition] Both are handy to have also.
- TJ Webb, MN
Makes a great looking roll crimp with buckshot loads for my Judge 8/24/2012
I recently got a new Judge for my birthday and wanted to make some buckshot loads for it. I found everything I needed on this site. I ended up with 4 000 buck in a 2 1/2 multi hull over 2400 powder and finished the top with BPIs roll crimping tool. It was very easy to use and finished off my handloads with a professional looking rolled crimp. I am very happy with the purchase
.410 roll crimping 3/19/2012
To say this is great is a understatement. my first try was better than any crimp reload. watching the video is a big help and made it easy. i would never ever use anything but roll crimping on small shotgun shells they just dont have strength to make first class looking reloads, and the reloads of the reloads with roll crimps look great thanks
- craig wood, MI

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