SG16 Sporting 16ga Wad (7,000/case)

SG16 Sporting 16ga Wad (7,000/case)
Item Number: 072SG16NC
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Detailed Description

SG16 Sporting Sixteen wad (7,000/case)

Original Sporting Sixteen 16 gauge wad offers the optimum volume for classic sixteen gauge performance. Of course, we can load more, but 7/8 to 1 oz loads just give us that ideal match between bore diameter and payload height. This affordable wad allows you to shoot your sixteen more often.

Identifying feature: Note the 24 pins that protrude down from the gas seal in a two circular designs around one central pin (see image above). These pins occupy space that would otherwise be filled with propellant, thus lifting the wad above the propellant charge.

Wad design: Tear-away petal design, G-ring crush section, and an exceptional gas seal, creating consistent and clean-burning loads. The Sporting 16 is recommended as a superior pheasant and dove wad.


  • 21mm model
  • Gas Seal: .665" diameter X .027" thick
  • Overall Length: 1.440"
  • Seal to cup bottom: .785"
  • Shotcup depth: .655"
  • Shot level in cup: 3/4oz
  • Optimum range: 20-55 yards
  • Quick crossing and all short to mid-range shots

Curmudgeon's Loading Tip: Use the X-Stream spreader insert for short-range loads for effective 16ga spreader loads. You can easily peel the petals off of the SG16 wad to create a 16ga Brush wad. (See picture of SG16 above right with petals removed and X-Stream stacked on top of remaining wad.)


Product Type: Wad, Gualandi cal. 16 Super-G 21mm
Loading Data: see
The Sixteen Gauge Manual or Advantages
Size: 16-gauge
Typical Loads:
 3/4 to 1 oz lead

Made in Italy

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