$15.00 Manufacturer's Rebate announced for Remington® Wingmaster HD® ammunition! ammo_remtung.JPG (24946 bytes)
Remington is offering a $15.00 direct rebate on 10-round boxes of Remington® Wingmaster HD® Shotgun ammuniton. 

The process is quite simple:

1. Order your Remington Wingmaster HD in 10-round boxes from Ballistic Products.
2. We will include a rebate form with your shipment.
3. Fill out the rebate form. 
4. Send your receipt along with the UPC symbol on the box to the address provided by Reminton Arms.
5. Get rebate!

Note: The rebate is subject to limitations outlined on the rebate form.  
Rebates are limited to $150.00 per household (10 boxes.)

Link to Remington Wingmaster HD ammuniton here.
